Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste Management

We igienean’s are offers you to take care of Management of Solid wastes generated by household and communities/ societies by providing Bins and Composting Machine for Biodegradable wastes, which can transform bio waste to manure and it can be used in society garden or can be sale to potential buyer.

It's a polite form of garbage management. From old age to our modern communities solid waste or garbage is a big issue. As population is growing up day to day, waste generation also take alarming level to society.

Through out history, human progress has been intrinsically tried to management of waste due to its effect on public and environmental health and himself also. Waste management has effected human history in many ways just it will be in near future.

Daily life in fast growing nation can generate several Tonnes of solid waste (Approx 400 grms/capita/day)

Current Scenario

As per Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change, Govt. of India, Total Waste Generate

Annually- 62 Million Tonnes, Out of These

1. Organic Waste: 40%-50%

2. Plastic Waste: 5.6 Million Tonnes

3. Bio Medical Waste: 0.17 Million Tonnes

4. Hazardous Waste: 7.9 Million Tonnes

5. E-Waste: 15 Lakh Tonnes

Projected to 2023: 165 Million Tonnes,

2050: 436 Million Tonnes

Responsibility of Local Body

Ensuring development and setting up of infrastructure for segregation, collection, storage, transportation & Processing.

Ensuring channelization of recyclable plastic and non-recyclable waste with waste picker with the guideline issued by the Central Pollution Board.

Creating awareness by engaging civil societies, groups and organization working with waste picker to final process.

Responsibility of Waste Generator

Ensuring segregation at ground level to put food waste, recyclable and non recyclable waste in separate bin and handed over to authorized waste picker.

Minimized the use of plastic.

Prime Problems & Scope

Collecting the data on generated waste

Risk Assessment

Assessment of existing policy by Authority

Responsibility of responsible person

Find out gaps in accountability

Problems in compliance with rule

Effectiveness of monitoring

Solution to the Problems

First and foremost action is awareness creation among waste generator by engaging SWM implementation agencies

It is very much important to make sure that communities are involved in the program by laws and understand their responsibility in achieving the goals of planned programs and target.

Main Purpose is to change the people’s attitudes and behaviors to ensure cleaner environment by

We offer

Igiene Provides you the complete solution from Picking up day to day waste, segregation, Providing and operating Compost machine for Biodegradable waste, which can transform bio waste to manure and it can be used in society garden or can be sale to potential buyer. download